22 research outputs found

    The Influence of Culture Characteristics upon the Implementation of Business Intelligence Management

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    In the present paper upon the Business Intelligence framed in the Romanian national culture peculiarity we will appeal to a gradual approach to the subject, from theoretical – to experimental – to applicative. At an empirical level of these approach we will try to interface a theoretical frame of the actual specialty knowledge in the area with the realities encountered in the Romanian enterprises ( e.g. the adopted enterprises’ positions towards BI, the relation managers – employees – enterprises’ performances through BI’s implementation, the role of cultural peculiarity or the position taken towards the norms of the BI’s adopted strategies, etc.).cultural characteristics; Business Intelligence; competitive advantage; strategic management; information.

    The Methods of Professional Development within the Higher Educational Institutions

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    The main purpose of this analytical research paper was to distinguish the importance/the contribution of development methods –formal/non-formal, the analysis of different programs framed on one of these, but also, the correlation of these development methods with theresearch population profile – the didactic personnel that activates in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration1 frame. Among thesubjects approached through the implementation of the research methodology used (questionnaire ) on population, we mention: the personal policypromoted by FEAA, the delineation of the researched population profile, the presentation of professional development needs of the didacticpersonnel (formal, non-formal), the importance and contribution of faculty internal professional development programs on the didactic personnel

    The Methods of Professional Development within the Higher Educational Institutions

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    The main purpose of this analytical research paper was to distinguish the importance/the contribution of development methods – formal/non-formal, the analysis of different programs framed on one of these, but also, the correlation of these development methods with the research population profile – the didactic personnel that activates in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration frame. Among the subjects approached through the implementation of the research methodology used (questionnaire) on population, we mention: the personal policy promoted by FEAA, the delineation of the researched population profile, the presentation of professional development needs of the didactic personnel (formal, non-formal), the importance and contribution of faculty internal professional development programs on the didactic personnel


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    this paper wants to be a thoroughgoing analyze of professional development in the context of the concept of"continuous formation" of human resources from educational services in Ia0i city1. Often incorporated in the large conceptof "continuous formation", professional development means much more then formation/obtaining knowledge and abilities, itmeans in fact to improve the existing knowledge and abilities, and to raise the level of professional preparation accordingwith the institutional and/or functional changes existing in the context that human reosurces activates ( in the case ofeducational services – "homo academicus", after the term used by A. Neculau, in „Câmpul universitar şi actorii săi” ). Theprofessional development takes place on the whole professional life period under the form of programs organized inside andoutside the organization/institution, and assures the improvment of knowledge/abilities, which will allow the perssons tounfold their activities in an effiecient manner and also to keep up with the institutional and/or functional changes that appearon the way

    The Mutations Occurred after the Implementation of Bologna’s System in the Romanian Educational Services. Analysis Realized on the Didactic Staff of the Faculty of Economic Science and Business Administration, Iasi

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    In the present stage of development of Romanian society, several changes and challengeshave emerged in what concerns educational services, and staff management started to focus more andmore on developing its resources – the didactic staff. “The consequences are clear: the trainingprograms will not be aimed only at pedagogical, didactic or technical development. Besidesimproving their didactic performance, teachers will have to become better colleagues, good teammembers and, if possible, even “happy workers”, meaning employees that work for pleasure andprofessional satisfaction


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    The present paper proposes to distinguish some aspects related by the influence that the level of negotiator’sanxiety1 in the negotation situation, respective, in the used strategies and obtained results. Practical, this research paper willtry to prove if anxiety plays or not a role in the negotation process, and will be a study at the border of psy-social science andthe economic ones (because the communication and the negotiation domain itself can be approched under the psychologicalaspect, as well as under the economic one). Moreover, the negotiation is an important part of reallity, it is a part of our life.We negociate daily and over all, in different social context, and is situated on varius positions.We negociate the salary withthe boss or with our subaltern, the product’s and service’s price,a pleassent place in a resstaurant, a better room in an hotel,the children promissed roller skate and the bicycle, better work conditions in an workshop and the new collective contractwith the unions. We can’t obtain anything without negotiating

    The Methods of Professional Development within the Higher Educational Institutions

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    The main purpose of this analytical research paper was to distinguish the importance/the contribution of development methods – formal/non-formal, the analysis of different programs framed on one of these, but also, the correlation of these development methods with the research population profile – the didactic personnel that activates in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration frame. Among the subjects approached through the implementation of the research methodology used (questionnaire ) on population, we mention: the personal policy promoted by FEAA, the delineation of the researched population profile, the presentation of professional development needs of the didactic personnel (formal, non-formal), the importance and contribution of faculty internal professional development programs on the didactic personnel.personnel policy, development needs, professional development programs, university management, formal methods, non-formal methods.

    Conceptual operationally of Business Intelligence – an epistemological view

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    Business Intelligence although seems one of the newest discipline integrated in the big family of MANAGEMENT, actually has its roots in the antique military strategies. BI evoluated a lot in the last years (mainly since 1994, when it received the first time its name in France), until it became a tool unlikely to be neglected by theorists as well as by practitioners. With all these, often it is mistaken for other new discipline, or they are used with interchangeble meanings. So the declared purpose of the present paper is to try to realize a conceptual frame of BI, and to try to connect it with other discipline/concepts used, such as – Knowledge Management, Benchmarkingul and Competitive Intelligence.business intelligence, information,knowledge management

    Exploratory Study on Romanian Educational Services in the Context of UE Postintegration. The Needs for Professional Development of the Staff of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

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    The interest that triggered this paper came from the will to identify the most stringent needs for professional development that human resources (didactic staff) working in educational services in universities have to face, following the legal, institutional, and functional changes that took place in the recent years in the Romanian system of higher education.educational services, needs for professional development, professional development